
Latest version: v0.1.0

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I am excited to announce the release of version 0.1.0 of the FoundationDesign library!

**What's New:**
- **User-Specified Reinforcement Area:** Users can now specify the area of reinforcement provided in their designs to override the program calculated one. For example:

**Versioning Strategy:**
- Moving forward, This project will adhere to strict semantic versioning (SemVer) principles. This means:
- **Bug Fixes** will focus on bug fixes and minor improvements. Which will involve incrementing the last digit of the version, e.g v0.1.1
- **Minor updates** will introduce new features that are backward-compatible. Which will involve incrementing the last digit of the version, e.g v0.2.0
- **Major updates** may include changes that are not backward-compatible, signalling significant enhancements to the library. Which will involve incrementing the last digit of the version, e.g v2.0.0

**Update on the Web app**
The web app for the library is currently in development and will be released for public beta testing soon enough.

Thank You!

**Full Changelog**:


This release introduces a major change in the licensing model of this library along with comprehensive enhancements to its documentation.

**Previous License:** MIT License
**New License:** GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
Reason for Change: The switch to GPLv3 ensures that all modifications and extensions of FoundationDesign remain open source, fostering a collaborative and transparent development environment. Users and developers are encouraged to contribute to the library while adhering to the GPLv3 terms. In preparation of the Version 0.1.0 of this library and the alpha release of the web app for this library the change of license was necessary to make sure improvements to this library remains open source

**Documentation Enhancements**
New Documentation: The documentation is now live on readthedocs to help users better understand and utilize the features of FoundationDesign. The link to the documentation can be found [here](
Content Additions: The documentation now includes detailed guides, examples, and explanations for various functions and modules within the library.

**Full Changelog**:


This release caters for the use of FoundationDesign with python version 3.12 with other minor updates

**Full Changelog** can be viewed via:


I am excited to announce the release of version 0.0.7 of this project! This version includes several improvements, including the addition of a build test for automated testing, as well as testing of the library and minor updates to the docstring.

**Minor Updates**
Testing of the PadFoundationDesign and PadFoundation Classes to ensure that they are functioning as expected. This will help catch any issues with the library and ensure that it is working correctly.
Build Test: An automated testing approach that's triggered on pull requests and push to help ensure quality is maintained across different branches


**Full Changelog**:


Removed scipy import statement a rejoinder to - v0.0.5 release note "This update features the rewriting of the column_punching_coefficient_k function that interpolates k values from Table 6.1 of the Eurocode. The interpolation is now done with Numpy instead."

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