- Added `jump` method to `Player` class: plays an event one step early (can be specifed by using `ahead` keyword) using keyword arguments to specify how the event is played.
d1 >> play("x-o-").every(7.5, "jump", cycle=8, sample=2, delay=var([-0.25, 0],8))
- Added `penta` method to `Player` for quickly switching between pentatonic scales. No arguments turns it on, 0 or `False` turns it off.
- Added `alt_dur` method to `Player`. This is an alternative way to set the duration of a player, mostly useful if using a `linvar` as a duration. When durations change, the clock position is recalcalculated - so using a `linvar` causes many of these calculations to be made and can lead to delayed messages to SuperCollider. This method manipulates the `bpm` attribute of the player to set the duration which does not require recalculating the clock position and is more efficient but less accurate.
- Update `trim`, `ltrim`, and `extend` methods for `Pattern` class. These can be looped and used with the `every` method.
- \* Experimental \* - Added CPU usage menu. Going to `Language` -> `CPU Usage` you can choose low, medium, or high (default) level of CPU usage which is derived from the number of cycles the `Clock` makes each second. Each CPU usage step is 10x more than the previous. Currently this value resets between uses of FoxDot.
- Fixed `setup.py` to load description from the README.md file