
Latest version: v0.1.0

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- Added functionality to specify samples when using the `play` SynthDef. This can be done from the play string by using the bar character in the form `|<char><sample>|`. These can also be patterns:
p1 >> play("|x2|-u-")

p1 >> play("(x )( |x[23]|)u ")

p1 >> play("|x{0123}| u ")

p1 >> play("|[xxxx][23]| u ")

- Improved timing of musical events slightly
- Added ability to set tunings for scales
Scale.default.set("major", tuning=Tuning.just)

Scale.default.set("minor", tuning=Tuning.ET12)

Scale.default.set("mixolyidian", tuning=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, 10, 11])

- You no longer need to specify pattern types in functions used in ``. Previously this would have thrown an exception but now does not:
p1 >> pluck([0,1])
p2 >> pluck({1: lambda x: x + (0,2)}))


- Improved the behaviour of repeatedly calling methods when using the `cycle` keyword:
Calls "stutter" on the 6th beat of an 8 beat cycle
p1 >> pads().every(6, "stutter", cycle=8)


- Improved `TimeVar` algorithm and added `sinvar` class, which is a subclass of `linvar` but calculates it's values using a sinewave as opposed a linear scale.
- General refactoring and improvement on efficiency.


- Improved `TimeVar` efficiency and can correctly handle the use of `GeneratorPattern` as an argument for duration.
- Slight re-ordering of samples with better descriptions when using `print(Samples)` (which is now a command in the help message).
- Added "pasha" SynthDef
- Experimental: you can use a `linvar` for tempo e.g. `Clock.bpm=linvar([40,120],16)`


- The Player reset method can be called using a preceding ~ character such that the two lines below are equivalent:
p1.reset() >> pads([0,2,4], dur=1/2)
~p1 >> pads([0,2,4], dur=1/2)

- The `reset` also stops calling repeat methods now.
- Fixed welcome message display size bug for Mac and Linux.
- Updated synths and samples.


- Fix `GeneratorPattern` index behaviour.
- Improve `Player` efficiency; only update player keys that are being accessed.
- Use "alpha" transparency when single value transparency doesn't work.

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