
Latest version: v2.4.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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> `2024-02-11`

Fixes 🐞

* **changelog**: consider deps with no patch version ([74](

Continuous integration 🐹

* **labeler**: update label for tools ([72](
* **labeler**: add labeler workflow to automatically label pr ([71](

Full set of changes: [`2.4.0...2.4.1`](


> `2024-02-09`

New features 🚀

* **ci**: add setup-foxy-project action ([68](

Continuous integration 🐹

* **workflow**: use hash instead of tag to specify version of actions ([69](

Full set of changes: [`2.3.0...2.4.0`](


> `2024-02-04`

New features 🚀

* **ci**: add created tag as output of create-release action ([61](

Fixes 🐞

* **project**: replace old project name on build dependencies ([64](

Refactorings 🏭

* **project**: improve documentation provided by readme ([65](

Continuous integration 🐹

* **release**: add missing steps ([62](
* **release**: automate publish on pypi ([58](

Full set of changes: [`2.2.0...2.3.0`](


> `2024-02-04`

New features 🚀

* **ci**: provide composite actions to automate release on ci ([55](

Continuous integration 🐹

* **release**: add workflow to automate release generation ([56](

Full set of changes: [`2.1.0...2.2.0`](


> `2024-02-04`

New features 🚀

* **version**: clearly support semver and pep440 specifications ([53](
* **version**: add options to deactivate feature ([52](
* **version**: make possible to generate the next version ([51](

Full set of changes: [`2.0.0...2.1.0`](


> `2024-02-02`

New features 🚀

* **changelog**: remove version changes into default templates ([45](
* **project**: add --version option ([42](
* **version**: add version command to display project version ([43](

Fixes 🐞

* **changelog**: create output file if it does not exist ([33](
* **version**: correctly detects type of commit in release ([40](

Refactorings 🏭

* **project**: add license header to every python files ([41](
* **project**: rename foxy-changelog into foxy-project ([39](

Full set of changes: [`1.2.0...2.0.0`](

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