
Latest version: v0.7.5

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Breaking Changes
* Officially drop Python 2.7 (257)


* Add workaround function for applying nbfixes (268)
* Store atomtyping results in a dict instead of the topology (249)
* Add `overrides` term to `xml_writer` (254)
* Remove undefined atom types from SMARTS string in `xml_writer` (255)

Bug fix

* Change `OS` oxygen atoms in silica.mol2 file to `O` (260)


* Use vector graphics for gitter badge on the (248)
* Update links for COMMAT paper (251)
* Enforce deletion of temporary XML files (252)
* Update links in (253)
* Improve documentation of various Foyer classes and functions (261, 263, 266)
* Remove duplicate docs files (270)
* Add some pytest skips for `has_mbuild = False` (272)


Breaking Changes

Foyer now officially supports Python 3.7. Python 3.5 is no longer packaged or used in development testing. (247)


* Foyer can now write a Foyer XML from a parametrized ParmEd structure (161, 241)
* Foyer now supports CHARMM-style periodic torsions (165)


* A file as added to delete temporary files generated while testing writers (245)
* A compatibility issue with OpenMM 7.3+ has been resolved (246 or see commits by ahy3nz in 247)

Foyer software and examples associated with our year 2019 publication in Computational Materials Science. This paper is also available on arXiv.



This is a bugfix release, fixing an issue in the conda recipe not caught until packaging the previous release ( 23ba645d75830e53e3352a1589ad2f1dd790bbc3)


* SMARTS strings are now parsed with `lark` instead of `plyplus`, which is no longer being developed. `lark` is more modern and appears to be more performant. (224)
* The whitelists and blacklists used in resolving atom types now use built-in sets.
* Python 3.6 is now supported (204)

* A number of dependencies have been dropped (`MDTraj`: 4c0020a, `plyplus`: 224, `oset`: 231)
* `networkx` is now pinned to v2.0+ to avoid using previous versions that are no longer compatible.
* A contributor's guide has been added (214)
* Some issue and PR templates for GitHub have been added (215)
* Codecov is now used as part of the CI routine (227)
* Conda builds are once again done with `noarch` (218)
* Python 2.7 is not tested on Appveyor, though it is still being tested in Travis CI and is still officially supported.

* An incorrect mass in `oplsaa.xml` has been fixed (236)


* Similar to previous checks on angle and dihedral parameters (155), sanity checks can now (optionally) be done on the existence of bond parameters. (199)
* An error is now thrown when trying to atom-type using a force field that has no atom types defined (i.e. an empty force field). (194)

* mBuild is now an optional ("dev") dependency. The core features of Foyer do not rely on mbuild, but some tests do. Atom-typing mBuild compounds to `Forcefield.apply()` is unchanged. (207)
* The .gitignore file has been updated for compatability with VSCode. (197)

* A link to our preprint was added to the README. (202)


Bug Fixes
OpenMM is pinned to versions before 7.3 (190)
MDTraj is now a dependency as a temporary fix to a dependency loop with mBuild (190)

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