
Latest version: v2.1.6

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Domain Name & FQDN Entropy

- Added module to calculate entropy for domain names and FQDNs using a correct and up to date character probability distribution.


new property: :code:`ParsedResult.private_suffix` to show the full private suffix substring within the FQDN.



:code:`tld` - org

:code:`effective_tld` - org

:code:`registrable_domain` - duckdns.org

:code:`registrable_domain_host` - duckdns

:code:`private_suffix` - duckdns.org

:code:`fqdn` - api.fake_aws_login.duckdns.org

:code:`pqdn` - api.fake_aws_login

A more complex example, using the private suffix ``cdn.prod.atlassian-dev.net``


:code:`tld` - net

:code:`effective_tld` - net

:code:`registrable_domain` - atlassian-dev.net

:code:`registrable_domain_host` - atlassian-dev

:code:`private_suffix` - cdn.prod.atlassian-dev.net

:code:`fqdn` - assets.some_company.cdn.prod.atlassian-dev.net

:code:`pqdn` - assets.some_company

So if you want to know if a FQDN has a Private Suffix just check the :code:`ParsedResult.private_suffix` property.

Minor Changes:

- Significant refactor / restructure of the code directory to organize helper modules better.
- Removed skeleton.py as I don't think a CLI version is useful. This can be revisited later if needed
- Added more unit tests (yay!)



- First stable release



Has known vulnerabilities

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