
Latest version: v2.0.0

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This release is up-to-date with `fractal-server` 1.3.12.

* Remove `project new --dataset` argument (\566).
* Add `project new --make-read-only` argument (\566).
* Do not use deprecated fractal-server `deployment_type` variable (\566).
* Align tests with `fractal-server` 1.3.12, which deprecates the legacy history version (\569).
* Automate procedure for publishing package to PyPI (\561).


* Main features:
* Remove client-side validation of API request/response bodies (\551).
* Make error messages more readable for request-body validation errors (\551).
* Include `--batch` option for workflow apply command (commit 06c7ff0e92602f08a98097d3597a8ce39c6ae1a8).
* Revamp ``, making `Settings` a standard Python class (\559).
* Package and repository:
* Rename repository from `fractal` to `fractal-client`.
* Change package name from `fractal` to `fractal-client` (\555).
* Remove `fractal-common` submodule (\551).
* Remove `pydantic` dependency (\559).
* Tests:
* Review tests: make them stateless, improve handling of cache, remove obsolete fixtures (\559).


* Implement more robust sorting of versions (e.g. in the presence of pre-releases), via `packaging.version` (\550).


* Add new commands `dataset status` and `dataset history` (\544).
* Align with fractal-server/fractal-common new `TaskUpdate` model, that accepts `version=None` (\540).
* Align with fractal-server/fractal-common new attributes in the Task model (\534).
* Align with fractal-common new `ApplyWorkflowRead` model, with optional `workflow_dump` (\547).
* Move documentation from sphinx to mkdocs (\532).


* Support `workflow apply --start/--end` arguments for submitting a workflow subset (\527).
* Exclude `common/tests` and other files from build (\523).
* Remove obsolete folders from `tests/data` (\526).


* Fix wrong build in 1.3.1 (include missing `fractal.common` submodule).

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