
Latest version: v1.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Increase memory requirements for some tasks in manifest (\363).


* Add `use_gpu` argument for `cellpose_segmentation` task (\350).
* Add dummy return object to napari-workflows task (\359).
* Include memory/cpu/gpu requirements in manifest, in view of new fractal-server SLURM backend (\360).


* Introduce a module for masked loading of ROIs, and update the `cellpose_segmentation` task accordingly (\306).
* Rename task arguments: `ROI_table_name->input_ROI_table` and `bounding_box_ROI_table_name->output_ROI_table` (\306).
* Implement part of the [proposed table support in OME-NGFF specs](, both for the `tables` zarr group and then for each table subgroup (\#306).
* Rename module: `>` (\306).
* Add new functions to existing modules: `lib_regions_of_interest.convert_region_to_low_res`, `lib_ROI_overlaps.find_overlaps_in_ROI_indices` (\306).


* Disable bugged validation of `model_type` argument in `cellpose_segmentation` (\344).
* Raise an error if the user provides an unexpected argument to a task (\337); this applies to the case of running a task as a script, with a pydantic model for task-argument validation.


* **(major)** Update task interface: remove filename extension from `input_paths` and `output_path` for all tasks, and add new arguments `(image_extension,image_glob_pattern)` to `create_ome_zarr` task (\323).
* Implement logic for handling `image_glob_patterns` argument, both when globbing images and in Yokogawa metadata parsing (\326).
* Fix minor bugs in task arguments (\329).


- Update `cellpose_segmentation` defaults and parse additional parameters (\316).
- Add dual-channel input for `cellpose_segmentation` task (\315).

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