
Latest version: v0.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* fix: make trimmed batch contiguous (2) ([`21aee70`](



* fix: add torch.no_grad() to batch trimming step ([`8b8a401`](



* fix: adding LICENSE into pypi description ([`c6e0a42`](

* fix: adding README into pypi description ([`1b99551`](



* chore: adding badges to README ([`ac00793`](


* feat: adding a helper to trim unnecessary padding chars for faster training / generation (1) ([`58e58a8`](



* fix: reverting to older lock file for mypy ([`08f0c63`](

* fix: relaxing transformers version req ([`57464a1`](



* feat: autopublish ([`a0900ff`](


* fix: pinning old version of semantic-release plugin ([`85f3a62`](

* fix: adding fetch-depth 0 for release ([`6dab4e6`](

* fix: autopublish to pypi ([`3591c27`](


* restrict model revisions ([`9a36fc4`](

* adding explanation about lightning_logs dir ([`7898bba`](

* updating README and improving train script ([`94d7fac`](

* Create LICENSE ([`f73fc0e`](

* augment training samples dynamically during training ([`3b40f07`](

* adding tests for chain_augmentations ([`57f24dc`](

* adding write permissions to publish job ([`d4b3e22`](

* try checkout v2 ([`7883323`](

* try adding token to checkout action ([`dce1651`](

* adding link to demo in README ([`f0b632b`](

* fix node version in gh action ([`7db37cb`](

* add an action to publish the website ([`182504f`](

* augment data for train but not val or test ([`660919e`](

* adding data augmentation ([`13de3f4`](

* adding small size model and lazy-loading for the nltk + models ([`bda0ca8`](

* adding a demo client using create-react-app ([`2a673d1`](

* try restricting batch size to 2 to avoid excessive memory use ([`4f2e58c`](

* try reducing to 1 thread to save memory ([`cfc4d21`](

* adding cors support to flask ([`4d463cb`](

* increase gunicorn timeout ([`acd42a1`](

* try adding poetry.lock to speed up docker build ([`86c9bcb`](

* bump to trigger cloud run build ([`c56e5b4`](

* bump to trigger cloud run build ([`a6d3094`](

* remove poetry.lock from docker build ([`805adf4`](

* adding a dockerizer flask server for demo purposes ([`8f192ac`](

* fixing typo ([`b7b9e34`](

* adding a base FrameSemanticTransformer class to make it easy to parse sentences into frames ([`c0b78cf`](

* refactoring TaskSample classes into Tasks and TaskSamples ([`667f85e`](

* fixing tests ([`eab2f96`](

* more efficient loading of frame elements from framenet ([`4655768`](

* add a check for invalid output in eval ([`0e9eb88`](

* add a check for invalid output in eval ([`81a829a`](

* eval arg id similar to how sesame does it ([`73b2db9`](

* try adding in all possible frame elements into task intro for argument extraction ([`94e3c89`](

* updating frame id samples to be closer to how sesame does it ([`39376e5`](

* fixing evaltuate function to work with batches predictions ([`7ca93d1`](

* force tranformers v4.18.0 to keep mypy happy ([`ac2c6a6`](

* using multiple predictions when evaluating frame id task ([`d28961c`](

* fixing typo ([`197b93f`](

* trying to add eval into training ([`d22080b`](

* limiting task rebalancing ratio ([`451eb6c`](

* adding in task mix balancing ([`ecde0b2`](

* moving T5Tokenizer.cleanup into standardize_punct method ([`12ccf38`](

* Trying out built-in clean up tokenization method ([`5f4a723`](

* allow tweaking predict params in eval ([`a549041`](

* tweaking trigger processing to hopefully be more amenable to how the tokenizer works ([`2103f4d`](

* more readable eval print ([`726126d`](

* adding option to print eval failures ([`d23bf6f`](

* adding a punct standardization step ([`d08877e`](

* fixing linting ([`9250636`](

* tweaking frame id eval to match sesame logic ([`162f50f`](

* removing sample from dataloader, as it appears to break things ([`0e1dee0`](

* fixing trigger samples and adding tests ([`6f19673`](

* adding logging statements inside training function ([`a28a706`](

* refactoring based on simple-t5 ([`d89e5db`](

* fixing evaluate typing ([`3cd3c33`](

* fixing future annotations ([`16a227c`](

* fixing bug in py 3.7 ([`ea953fc`](

* refactoring and adding a target id task ([`37302bb`](

* adding total to tqdm iteration ([`058a12c`](

* fixing device issues ([`49a01f3`](

* fixing typing ([`6012b09`](

* more efficient eval processing ([`4bbee5c`](

* add tqdm for eval progress ([`69d98ac`](

* tweaking evaluate ([`0f3db83`](

* adding evaluate / predict helpers ([`be08ec1`](

* adding fulltext filenames from sesame for eval ([`081533b`](

* removing validation loop end as well ([`1c5dfb2`](

* removing return from training loop end ([`ace9621`](

* adding in closure... ([`4b8e184`](

* updating optimzier_step ([`ea79146`](

* fixing typo ([`7aa0a49`](

* moving dataset generation out of the tuner ([`ac9f90f`](

* adding future annotations stuff ([`611a1a5`](

* adding future annotations stuff ([`b6c8a53`](

* setting up a model for training ([`abfc3d8`](

* skipping confusing frames for now ([`1888b8c`](

* adding helper for parsing examples from docs ([`8856b2e`](

* fixing mypy ([`14e4832`](

* fixing black formatting ([`a24193a`](

* initial commit ([`4df6628`](

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