
Latest version: v0.16.0

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What's Changed
- Add `X-Powered-By` header in global-nginx-proxy.
- Fixes Mailhog default mail server error.
- Fixes admin tools not properly starting up.
- Force recreate containers after adding new mounts.


- Introduce `bench_config.toml` for bench stack configuration management. [158](
- Introduce `update` command for updating configuration of bench env. [15](
- Support flag `--environment <prod/dev>` in `create` and `update` command. [15](
- Support flag `--developer-mode <enable/disable>` in `create` and `update` command. [15](
- Support flag `--admin-tools <enable/disable>` in `create` and `update` command. [15](
- Introduce command `fm ssl` for managing ssl related operations. [15](

- Fix naming of sites to bench [155](


- `shell` command now opens directly in `frappe-bench` directory. Fixes [102](
- remove `restart: always` from all sites docker-compose.yml. Fixes [136](
- Add auto-completion for sitenames in commands where required. Fixes [138](
- `code` command now supports `--work-dir` flag which defaults to`/workspace/frappe-bench`. Fixes [141](
- Auto detect sitename when in respective sites directory i.e when user is in `~/frappe/sites/test.localhost` and user runs `fm shell` it will directly run shell for that site. Fixes [138](
- Introduces `--force` flag to `start` command to force recreate containers while starting the site.

Bug Fixes
- Sync vscode settings like `python.defaultInterpreter` etc.
- App installation when using `-a` flag in `create` command.
- `create` comand not working when offline for prebaked apps.
- Encoding issue in `logs` command. Fixes [137](

- Improve exception handling along with refactor, cleanup code and update documentation.
- Update local image build script.



- Creation of website with any Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). 113
- Gives user ability to sync the vscode debugger configuration files using flag `--debugger` in `fm code <site>`. 108
- Prebaked Frappe bench for faster fm site creation. 114


- Provide stable branch app mapping for frappe verse apps.
- Support for public GitHub frappe apps in `fm create` command in flag `--apps/-a`.
- Improved app validation error messages for better clarity.

Bug Fixes
- Fix `bench restart` properly not killing child processes.


- fixes the issue where v0.10.0 migration was not getting added in pending migrations.
- fix current version save in `.fm.toml` instead of last migration version.


What's new
- Run multiple frappe sites at once. [85](
- Custom queue support. [93](
- Integrate Supervisor for Efficient Command Management within Containers feature-request. [92](
- fm sub command group `service` which will have restart, start, stop, shell as commands. [85](
- Check site in `fm create` execution for successful creation, if not then prompt for rollback. [96](
- `fm logs <sitename>` show frappe dev server logs. [26](


- Migration module for handling fm version migrations.
- Revamped `fm list` command for improved user experience. [94](
- Site services and worker services status in `fm info` command for better site monitoring at on glance. [95](
- Alert user when current user is not added to `docker` group. [97](
- Better formatting for yaml in all docker compose files.
- Fix port checking implementation, now using python package psutil for Linux and lsof command for osx. [77](
- Provides service name hints in help for --service flag in fm logs and fm shell subcommand.
- Add -f short flag for --follow in fm logs <sitename>


- Optimized compose file migration.
- Fix logs command for better Keyboard Interrupt handling.
- Dependency change from pyyaml to ruamel.yaml for better YAML processing
- Optimized ports checking, now ports are checked excluding ports which are published by `fm` itself(like docker binded ports).
- Refactor code for move readability.
- Optimized docker compose site and worker status check.


- Fixed docker compose up, restart, and exec commands not working with services argument
- Fixed shell, logs command not working with `--service` flag
- Fixed docker on detection for correct Docker status detection

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