
Latest version: v0.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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[5.7.5]( (2022-01-04)

Bug Fixes

* Don't recompute URLs when name passed in App ([0898e2d](
* Set remote_server attr "better" ([e3b9c2a](


[5.7.4]( (2021-12-28)

Bug Fixes

* Command picking & execution ([2fa25d8](
* Set correct remote_server for cloning ([9802fea](
* Set proper branch to clone ([217f27f](
* Set verbosity if --verbose is passed anywhere period ([2caf7e7](


[5.7.3]( (2021-12-28)

Bug Fixes

* Clear Bench instance cache on every chdir ([ec369a1](
* PosixPath object has no attribute 'rstrip' ([aaf4856](
* replace shutil.move with Path.rename ([a648590](


[5.7.2]( (2021-12-17)

Bug Fixes

* process SSH git URLs ([660287a](


[5.7.1]( (2021-12-10)

Bug Fixes

* process SSH git URLs ([c8494cf](


[5.7.0]( (2021-12-01)

Bug Fixes

* Allow git url with custom username ([1200]( ([6411812](
* Archived app naming, apps.txt sync ([79980c3](
* Check if app is installed in env via initialize_apps ([a192240](
* Check if archived_sites directory exists before running ([b11f5b0](
* Cleanup import hell ([e2fd9de](
* Cleanup import hell (contd) ([d2fba5f](
* correct patches.txt ([a28a0d0](
* Don't fetch meta for rm app ([17edb47](
* Drop support for Frappe v4-5-6 ;) ([616dff8](
* frappe app can exist without public folder ([13ed9be](
* Handle collisions while moving apps ([3709682](
* Import bench.cli ([27128c7](
* import path for util ([ee6a967](
* Initialize bench in get-app with --init-bench ([a2ccc30](
* Move logging to lower level App.get API ([4ba5422](
* Pass `skip_assets` while resolving dependant apps ([8275d67](
* Patch to move archived_sites to archived/sites ([877e812](
* raise (by default) when exec_cmd fails ([3995b92](
* Raise and handle Exception class ([c4b8391](
* remove unwanted `patches.txt` ([85500b7](
* rename key ([75f8462](
* Show bench init job via bench get-app (conditional) ([225fce5](
* Show pip's help menu when --help is passed in pip command ([6d10d75](
* Show traceback if error occurs during init, get outside bench dir ([806d543](
* Show traceback in dev mode and set exit code on errors ([e074a1d](
* Show traceback on bench init failure ([30e3e72](
* Show warning while using experimental features ([b7994e2](
* sync apps file in init, imports and no warn in CI ([71d178d](
* Trailing slash not setting app name properly ([357fcc0](
* Use test frappe app - frappe_docs instead of wiki or chat ([c636c7c](


* add `live_reload` to default_config ([9f74ec0](
* Add alias for remove-app: rm, remove ([6890d98](
* Add custom workers in Procfile ([1201]( ([593b80e](
* add no-git option to new-app command ([2a25a6d](
* added option to provide custom queues ([e12f53d](
* Aliased Commands ([b75d352](
* App Meta Base Class ([ce00798](
* bench drop {bench_path} ([906ad5a](
* Dynamic Output rendering ([f117959](
* Initialize bench on bench get(-app) if not created ([38382b8](
* **minor:** --install-app option in init ([8480eb5](
* **minor:** Any procman in bench start ([bae338a](
* **minor:** App Meta handling on disk repos ([1865eee](
* **minor:** Bench.python property that points to env python ([d63a988](
* New methods in Bench class ([53e811f](
* New methods in the App Class ([54f9741](
* Pass --use-feature='dynamic-feed' for new CLI ([b92fb14](
* Restart process manager for develop mode ([6123cd5](
* Skip warnings if envvar BENCH_DEVELOPER set ([20560c9](

Performance Improvements

* Cache Bench and App instantiation ([cd1f526](

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