What's Changed
* adjusted rigctld and config handling by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/660
* fix message auto scroll by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/677
* adjusted beacon by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/678
* code cleanup by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/679
* audio debugging by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/680
* removing info screen from gui by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/682
* audio and modem adjustments by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/684
* Gui fixes by Mashintime in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/685
* audio improvements by DJ2LS in https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/pull/686
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/DJ2LS/FreeDATA/compare/v0.14.1-alpha...v0.14.4-alpha