Much more stable implementing a CLI for users and an update to the model implementation, lastly the core functionalities of FTS now run as separate services which can be started and stopped from the CLI independently of one another maximizing flexibility for your deployment.
There has been some extreme code refactoring and organization in addition to logging improvements and a pip package, in addition to this, constants no longer need to be set and arguments have been properly implemented.
FreeTAKServer now allows for both private and public datapackages in addition to proper handeling of private messages.
supported features:
private data packages public data packages user connection every kind of point drop geochat to group private geochat emergency user staleout simple routes basic geofences
variable logging and the emergency function have now both been properly implemented.
-fixed stale out and user delay - added windows port and ip input on service start in command line - improved message handling of long messages - FreeTak Server Logo and tag line now display when you start the server