* Refactored most of the scripts and their naming conventions.
- Removed all class definitions and rewrote most functions accordingly.
- Removed passive voice from function names.
- frzpop.generators is now frzpop.machines
- frzpop.patterns is now frzpop.shuffle
- frzpop.chords and frzpop.scales now both measure intervals between
consecutive notes instead of always referencing the root.
- frzpop.trigs is now subsumed into frzpop.machines
* Added functions for direct freezing of phrases and sections.
* Added ability to name the tracks of the output file.
* Freezing a note still calls vel if vel is callable, but does not pass it the
t counter.
* Added "additives" submodule for organizing code shared between scripts.
- p_gen decorator is now state_machine
- state_machines do not accept any arguments
- list_reader and rng are state machines available for all scripts
* Added machines
- attenuvert, automaton, clip, contour, interleave, is_over, offset, mix,
pulse, ramp, saw, sine, skip, sweep
* Running freezers.py as a script prints a list of its defined names. This is
intended to facilitate making further changes to the import list in
* Broke frzpop.stochastic, will remove in a future version.
* Bugfixes.