
Latest version: v3.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Only show the meaningful commits.

- Remove develop branch support. This massively simplifies all the code.

- Allow to release only some packages.
See ``-f`` option on full-release command.

- Push cfg files when doing a full release.

- Test nearly everything.

- Fix coverage and speed up travis.

- Add more utility functions.

- Add debug option to all commands,
use python logging module to log information at various levels.

- Avoid cloning repositories (speed ups everything).


- Clone a pushable repository.

- Update the local branches after release.

- Filter distributions to release.



- Lots of minor fixes here and there,
too small and too many of them to list here.



- Adapt git_repo context manager from plone.releaser.

- Adjust verbosity.



- More verbose and more string formatting fixes.

- Check that a distribution has a source defined on buildout before trying
to clone it.



- Be more verbose, so one know about which distribution the output is about.

- Fix two strings that were not formatted.

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