
Latest version: v0.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Related to 42
- bump python version 3.8 as a minimal supported version for library
- ruff was eventually included
- some warning/error prone places were fixed with the help of ruff
- isort/black/pylint removal
- all dev libraries are up-to-dated now

Great work about 'make code clear again' was done by legatusAlex


Based on issue 41
- for now an explicit Cake assignment is only supported
- assignments like `bakery_mock.attr = 1` is deprecated and will be removed in next releases. Now non-Cake value is being converted to Cake implicitly
- Docs improvements (regarding testing)


Some improvements were made:
- mypy attribute error for non-existent attribute (stub file added)
- linters update
- CI actions' version update
- Unpack cakes feature example


- Python 3.12 support
- Project keywords for pypi added
- Project urls for pypi added


- Type hint improvements
- Mypy the latest version (1.5.1) support


- Litestar support 33
- Some misc features (8)

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