
Latest version: v5.17.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Introduced Layout class (BREAKING)
- Renamed `Query` class and arguments/properties to `Layout`
- Moved `header` options from `Dialect` to `Layout`


- Updated transform API
- Added `transform(type)` argument


- Updated describe API (BREAKING)
- Renamed `describe(source_type)` argument to `type`


- Updated extract API (BREAKING)
- Removed `extract_table` (use `extract_resource` with the same API)
- Renamed `extract(source_type)` argument to `type`


- Initial API/codebase improvements for v4 (BREAKING)
- Allow `Package/Resource(source)` notation (guess descriptor/path/etc)
- Renamed `schema.infer` -> `Schema.from_sample`
- Renamed `resource.inline` -> `resource.memory`
- Renamed `compression_path` -> `innerpath`
- Renamed `compression: no` -> `compression: ""`
- Updated `Package/Resource.infer` not to infer stats (use `stats=True`)
- Removed `Package/Resource.infer(only_sample)` argument
- Removed `Resouce.from/to_zip` (use `Package.from/to_zip`)
- Removed `Resouce.source` (use `` or `Resource.fullpath`)
- Removed `package/resource.infer(source)` argument (use constructors)
- Added some new API (will be covered in the updated docs after the v4 release)


- Make Resource independent from Table/File (607) (BREAKING)
- Resource can be opened like Table (it's recommended to use Resource instead of Table)
- Renamed `resource.read_sample()` to `resource.sample`
- Renamed `resource.read_header()` to `resource.header`
- Renamed `resource.read_stats()` to `resource.stats`
- Removed `resource.to_table()`
- Removed `resource.to_file()`

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