
Latest version: v1.5.3

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- gRPC client support for completions API.


- Minor: add a default value for the "index" and "text" fields of the completion stream's chunk.


- Support Phi3 FP8 conversion.
- Hotfix for safetensor checkpoint saver.


- Optimize CPU RAM usage during quantization with offloading
- Support FP8 conversion for DBRX, Mixtral, and Command R+


- Hotfix for LoRA checkpoint saving error.


New Features

- **FP8 Checkpoint Conversion**: We've introduced a new feature for FP8 checkpoint conversion.
- **Sharded Safetensors Checkpoint Saving**: Added the ability to save sharded safetensors checkpoints.
- **LoRA Support on Mistral Model**: We have added support for LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) on the Mistral model.

Bug Fixes

- **BF16 Hotfix**: Addressed an urgent issue with bf16 processing.
- **BFloat Safetensors Conversion**: Fixed an issue related to bfloat conversion for safetensors.
- **Automatic Token Refresh**: Resolved a bug affecting automatic token refresh.

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