
Latest version: v2.0.1

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This release significantly updates `FRUITBAT` as specified below.

* Dropped Python 2.7 support.
* Now using `pygedm` instead of `pyymw16` for galactic DM model.
* Added `batten2021` hydrodynamic model for FRB redshift estimation.
* Can now calculate FRB redshift PDFs and confidence intervals when using a hydrodynamic model.
* New functions for calculating quantities from PDFs.
* Plot the redshift PDF and confidence interval with `plot.redshift_pdf()`.
* Now using HDF5 backend.

Change Log
* Dropped support for Python 2.7

* Updates to the model backend to use HDF5 files instead of .npz
* All models are now saved and stored as hdf5 files.
* New models generated with the `table.create()` function are also saved as HDF5 files.

* Now uses PyGEDM as the galactic electron density model.
* This means that both NE2001 and YMW2016 models are included by default with fruitbat.
* Also includes the YT2020 galactic halo model

* New Model: `Batten2021` (hydrodynamic)
* New hydrodynamic model included from Batten et al. (2021).
* See for the paper.

* New `Fruitbat.Frb` class features:
* New default method "Batten2021" replaces "Inoue2004".
*Added `calculate_redshift_pdf()`
* Calculates the redshift PDF using a hydrodynamic method.
* Added `calculate_redshift_conf_int()`
* Calculates the redshift confidence intervals for a given sigma assuming a hydrodynamic model.
* Added `plot_redshift_pdf()`
* Create a plot of the redshift PDF of the FRB with confidence intervals.
* New keywords for calc_dm_galaxy()`:
* `include_halo`: Also include the galactic halo (from YT2020) that isn't included in YMW16 or NE2001.
* `return_tau_sc`: to also return the scattering timescale at 1 GHz
* New property `galaxy_model` that knows which Milky Way model was used when subtracting galactic DM.

* New `fruitbat.methods` features:
* Added new type of methods "hydrodynamic" which can return the redshift PDF at a specific DM value.
* Added `batten2021()` hydrodynamic method from Batten et al. (2021)
* Added `methods_analytic()` and `methods_hydrodynamic()` for specifying the different types of methods.

* New `fruitbat.plot` features:
* New plotting function: `redshift_pdf()` for plotting the redshift PDF of an FRB calculated with a hydrodynamic method.

* New `fruitbat.utils` features:
* Added new utility functions for calculating parameters from a PDF.
* `calc_mean_from_pdf()`
* `calc_variance_from_pdf()`
* `calc_std_from_pdf()`
* `calc_median_from_pdf()`
* `calc_z_from_pdf_percentile()`
* Added functions to manipulate PDFs:
* Normalise pdfs: `normalise_to_pdf()`
* Interpolate between two PDFs: `linear_interpolate_pdfs()`
* Added function to calculate percentiles from a sigma: `sigma_to_pdf_percentiles()`.
* Added function for including a redshift prior: `redshift_prior()`. Currently only uniform is available.

* Misc Changes:
* New function `fruitbat.get_bibtex()` to obtain bibtex for referencing `FRUITBAT`.
* Converted to using Github actions for testing instead of Travis CI.
* Added ASCL badge.
* Updated requirements to include `h5py` and `pygedm`.


This is the release introducing some compatibility for the NE2001 model.


This release is the version reviewed by JOSS and is uploaded to https://10.5281/zenodo.2667596.

Changes include:
- Import updated version of pyymw16
- Fixed typos in online documentation
- Added instructions for git-lfs when downloading source code.
- Added link to source code from Docs


This is the first official release of Fruitbat.
This release supports both Python 2 and 3.



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