
Latest version: v0.0.5

Safety actively analyzes 701993 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- [x] 0101 ADB data sheet.
- [x] 0102 BS 9999 data sheet.
- [x] 0111 PD 7974 heat detector activation time.
- [x] 0401 BR 187 parallel simple.
- [x] 0402 BR 187 perpendicular simple.
- [x] 0403 BR 187 parallel complex.
- [x] 0404 BR 187 perpendicular complex.
- [ ] 0405 general thermal radiation analysis.
- [ ] Calculation checked.
- [ ] 0601 OFR naming.
- [ ] 0602 PD 7974 flame height.
- [ ] Calculation checked.
- [x] 0111 implemented display numerical results in table.
- [ ] 0111 implemented graphical output.
- [x] Converted all independent modules into QMainWindow objects, i.e. to have a status bar.
- [ ] Installer for MS Windows.
- [x] All output files set to readonly.
- [x] Shortcut for all module GUI windows press ESC to close.
- [x] Implemented error handling.
- [x] Implemented check GUI tip texts.



Has known vulnerabilities

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