
Latest version: v3.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- [x] Update Vega config fields
- [x] Fail pipeline when a feature importance is less than zero


- [x] Better default: `resample=shuffle`
- [x] Better default: `n_bootstraps=1`
- [x] Remove unused dependency, 'tqdm'


Many fixes and new features.
- [x] 🏷 More built-ins: add 5 OpenML datasets and add Infinite Selection (b52e0dad3b45172a9a63de76e426a22505938df4 and 008f9eda8a3f51e06fe29b77ed6f411130b367ec)
- [x] 💪🏻 Add multiprocessing support (53987d079244eb2604f9b4ecd76ae28ec9080dd2, cacc902881bc92bde16d72863d2ede0d51774e5f)
- [x] 🌺 Feature support and feature rankings are now also scored (9ee15a55809df235a7b152f34be8e35cf3916216)
- [x] 📊 Upload raw feature ranker matrices, so they can be processed on the frontend (146bc47a23d11f3de7aad55dc795b0568d415adf)
- [x] 🔨 Fix caching. Now behaves like expected. (07e631d56db3bfd666f519f2816a1db6930f8ec8, 86f4ca3b552bd50c0883fb5349bb6c49ede6e3d1)
- [x] ⚙️ Upgrade to Hydra 1.1.0 (8e0d976ebb4dd70143578a4621745e68e14c9688)
- [x] 📊 Feature support vectors are now validated in a separate step. Outputs another validation score. (dea00ab947c5b1a8816efd3c619d4512420d5637)
- [x] 📊 Add charts as part of pipeline. This allows users to get interpretable results without **any** configuring on their part. (f050a87cbce8a2f614c4bcabc0ee2f5f72e6cb52)


- [x] Loosen up package deps
- [x] Upload a summary table
- [x] Allow disabling metric logging


Minor release:
- [x] Fix PyPi package
- [x] Don't bundle estimator dependencies


- [x] Add [FeatBoost](https://github.com/amjams/FeatBoost/) support
- [x] Add [Stability Selection](https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/stability-selection) support (forward-compatibility via [fork](https://github.com/dunnkers/stability-selection))

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