
Latest version: v2.3.6

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Version 2.2.5. (February 16th, 2021) Fix valid_fsid Not Set Correctly in Historic Event By Location

valid_fsid field was not set correctly in the `Historic Event By Location` calls when the input FSIDs did not have a historic event. Field now correctly displays `False` when there is no event.


Version 2.2.4. (February 11th, 2021) Fix Adaptation Detail geometry error

Adaptation Detail CSVs raised an unhandled error when the coordinates from the API returned an empty geometry. Error should now be handled and an empty lat/lng should used in the CSV in these cases


Version 2.2.3. (January 29th, 2021) Fix Adaptation Detail Not Writing Serving Data to CSV

Adaptation Detail CSVs did not have serving data. Fix adds the serving data to the CSV with an individual column per serving location (`serving_city`, `serving_county`, etc)


Version 2.2.2. (January 5th, 2021) Change FSID type to string to handle 32 bit integer overflow issue
- Change FSID type to string to handle 32 bit integer overflow issue


Version 2.2.1. (Nov 12, 2020) CSV formatting bugfix for Location Detail Property
- CSV formatting for the Location Detail Property product now produces the correct value for elevation


Version 2.2.0. (Nov 05, 2020) Update the consistency of the parameters with the wiki pages and methods. Minor bugfix
Update Features:
- All products now use the `search_items` parameter for the primary input of FSIDs, addresses, lat/lng pairs, coordinates, and file names
- The command line now uses `-s` instead of `-i` for search_items.
- The Tiles product through the Python script now uses `-s` for coordinates instead of the `coordinate` parameter
- Check the [commandline page](https://github.com/FirstStreet/fsf_api_access_python/wiki/Running-the-Library-Through-the-Command-Line) for all updates to the parameters.

- Migrate the README to the Github Wiki. This should improve readability
- Add examples for each product and each location type
- Add pages for Location Types, Geometry, CSV Files, and Image Files
- Add tables representing the returned objects for each product
- Add a changelog page

- CSV formatting for the Location Detail County product now produces the correct name column for the county

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