
Latest version: v0.5.2

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- `python3 -m reuse` now works.


- Updated license list to 3.6-2-g2a14810.


- Performance of `reuse lint` improved by at least a factor of 2. It no longer
does any checksums on files behind the scenes.

- Also handle `MachineReadableFormatError` when parsing DEP5 files. Tries to
import that error. If the import is unsuccessful, it is handled.


This release was replaced by 0.5.2 due to importing
`MachineReadableFormatError`, which is not a backwards-compatible change.



- TeX and ML comment styles added.

- Added `--year` and `--exclude-year` to `reuse addheader`.

- Added `--template` to `reuse addheader`.

- Added `--explicit-license` to `reuse addheader`.

- `binaryornot` added as new dependency.

- Greatly improved the usage documentation.


- `reuse addheader` now automatically adds the current year to the copyright

- `reuse addheader` preserves the original header below the new header if it did
not contain any SPDX information.

- `reuse addheader` now correctly handles `.license` files.

- Bad licenses are no longer resolved to LicenseRef-Unknown<n>. They are instead
resolved to the stem of the path. This reduces the magic in the code base.

- `.gitkeep` files are now ignored by the tool.

- Changed Lisp's comment character from ';;' to ';'.



- `--all` argument help to `reuse download`, which downloads all detected
missing licenses.


- When using `reuse addheader` on a file that contains a shebang, the shebang is

- Copyright lines in `reuse spdx` are now sorted.

- Some publicly visible TODOs were patched away.


This release is a major overhaul and refactoring of the tool. Its
primary focus is improved usability and speed, as well as adhering to version
3.0 of the REUSE Specification.


- `reuse addheader` has been added as a way to automatically add copyright
statements and license identifiers to the headers of files. It is currently
not complete.

- `reuse init` has been added as a way to initialise a REUSE project. Its
functionality is currently scarce, but should improve in the future.


- `reuse lint` now provides a helpful summary instead of merely spitting out
non-compliant files.

- `reuse compile` is now `reuse spdx`.

- In addition to `Copyright` and `©`, copyright lines can be marked with the tag
`SPDX-FileCopyrightText:`. This is the new recommended default.

- Project no longer depends on pygit2.

- The list of SPDX licenses has been updated.

- `Valid-License-Identifier` is no longer used, and licenses and exceptions can
now only live inside of the LICENSES/ directory.


- Removed `--ignore-debian`.

- Removed `--spdx-mandatory`, `--copyright-mandatory`, `--ignore-missing`
arguments from `reuse lint`.

- Remove `reuse license`.

- GPL-3.0 and GPL-3.0+ (and all other similar GPL licenses) are no longer
detected as SPDX identifiers. Use GPL-3.0-only and GPL-3.0-or-later instead.


- Scanning a Git directory is a lot faster now.

- Scanning binary files is a lot faster now.


This release should be a short-lived one. A new (slightly
backwards-incompatible) version is in the works.


- Copyrights can now start with `©` in addition to `Copyright`. The
former is now recommended, but they are functionally similar.


- The source code of reuse is now formatted with black.
- The repository has been moved from
<https://git.fsfe.org/reuse/reuse> to

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