
Latest version: v0.20240625.3

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* Make ''time'' dimension unlimited in the netCDF file.
* New --nc-format parameter to control the type of netCDF file being
* Verify input file(s) are RPN files before trying to convert them.
* New --force option to overwrite the netCDF file if it already exists.
* New --filter option to select records based on some criteria
(e.g. "--filter ip1==24" to select 24-hour forecasts only).
* Some decoding of vertical coordinate for series data.
* Make sure nomvars are valid netCDF variable names, otherwise prepend
an underscore to them so the netCDF library doesn't complain.
* Remove degenerate ni/nj axes from the output file, and remove
degenerate time axes which contain dummy RPN dates.
* Support for 'U' grids ("supergrids").


* Bug fix for station name decoding (series files).
* New --metadata-file option for adding arbitrary metadata to the
netCDF file.
* Wrap all messages with gettext, to facilitate translation to French.
Note: no actual translations done yet.
* New --minimal-metadata option to strip out FSTD-specific metadata
from the netCDF file (such as kind, datyp, npas, etc.).
* Support for multiple input files.
* Write the command invocation into a global "history" attribute of
the netCDF file. Can be disabled by new option --no-history.
* When fudging variable names to make them unique in the output file,
use more context-specific modifiers such as etiket, typvar, etc.
instead of an integer counter.
* Warn when variable / dimension names have to be modified.
* New --ignore-typvar option to allow records with different typvars
to be combined into a single variable.
* New --reference-date option to control the reference date of the
time axis.


* Check if netCDF output file already exists, and prompt the user
before overwriting.
* Check if input file exists before trying to convert it.
* Some support for series files.
* Some more metadata for identifying horizontal and time dimensions.
* Some support for masked data. Detects records that have an '' in
their typvar, and looks for a corresponding mask record (typvar='').
* New --ignore-etiket option to allow records with different etikets
to be combined into a single output variable.

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