
Latest version: v0.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* The libfswatch library has been added with bindings for C and C++.

* fswatch let users specify the monitor to use by name.


* Fix Issue 23: Add `--include [regex]` option.

* Fix Issue 25: Add `--include [regex]` option.

* Paths can be included using -i/--include and providing a set of regular


* Fix Issue 34: Diagnostic messages were output by the inotify monitor even if
fswatch was not run in verbose mode.


* Fix Issue 32: Problems building fswatch 1.3.6 on Mac v10.8.5

* Remove usages of C++11 initializer lists so that fswatch builds with older


* Fix Issue 26: fswatch-run can't run a command with arguments.

* fswatch-run scripts are provided for ZSH and Bash.

* System is scanned during installation to check for ZSH and Bash
availability. Path of found shells is substituted in the corresponding
scripts, otherwise the default /bin/[shell] is used.

* If a supported shell is found, the fswatch-run symbolic link is created in
the installation directory to the corresponding script. The lookup order
of the shells is:
- ZSH.
- Bash.


* Fix Issue 27: Redirect usage text to standard error unless `-h` or

* Fix bug to write usage to standard error when invalid arguments are

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