
Latest version: v0.3.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Ordering-related functions and ADT package
* new package `adt` for Abstract Data Types (ADTs) with mutable iterator `MutIter`
* new `itertoolz` function `positions` that collects positions of non-unique items in a sequence
* new `itertoolz` function `order_by` that orders (and fills missing) items in order given by a sequence of keys


Functions for error handling
* functions `attempt` and `try_apply` that on error fallback to `None`
* decorator `silenced(error)` that makes decorated function return `None` on `error`


Patch release that adds `Pipfile.lock` to distribution via `MANIFEST.in` and thus fixes installation issues.


* Adds package `unsafe` with class discovery functions
* Migrates to `pipenv`
* Upgrades `pylint` and `mypy`


* Added reversed function composition `chain`
* Added sequence generator methods extending `range`


* Removes local cytoolz stubs
* Adds `cytoolz-stubs` as project dependency

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