
Latest version: v1.6.0

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- Fix close selector for overlay in billboardads.
[Julian Infanger]

- Replace jq with $ in javascript file.
[Julian Infanger]



- Add permissionmapping for ftw.lawgiver



- Use lower email address in billboardad as default contact mail.
[Julian Infanger]

- Use colorbox to display images in overlay.
[Julian Infanger]



- Reindex file after uploading. Add class to button in simple upload form.
[Julian Infanger]

- Updated help text for price in billboard ad. Fixed english in registry.
[Julian Infanger]



- Make displaying currency of billboard ads configurable per site.
In portal_registry there are three new configuration options:

- name or symbol of the currency
- character for seperating floating numbers
- thousands seperator for grouping large numbers




- Fix actions portlet translations.

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