
Latest version: v2.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Add more default builders:

- a "zcml" builder for creating ZCML files
- a "python package" builder for creating python package on the file system
- a "namespace package" builder, used internally by the "python package" builder
- a "subpackage" builder for extending a python package with nested packages
- a "genericsetup profile" builder
- a "plone upgrade step" builder for building Generic Setup upgrade steps




- File builder: fix default filename encoding for AT.
This was a regression in 1.5.0, where filenames were changed to unicode
because of the consolidation of Archetypes and Dexterity builders.



- Fix NamedBlobFile import issue for Plone <= 4.2 where blobs are optional.



- Restore Plone 4.1 compatibility by making any DX imports conditional.

- Plone 5 support: default content builders are switched to the dexterity implementation
by default for Plone >= 5.
The builder classes were moved from ``archetypes`` module to ``content`` module.



- Implement collection builder.

- Fixed default value setter for different "owners" field.



- DxBuilder: Fix encoding problem when filling default value for "owners" field.

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