
Latest version: v1.7.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

- Fix generated HTML structure on not directly editable dashboards.


Not secure

- Code cleanup (pylint/pep8).

- Update test buildout configuration.

- Describe all ftw.dashboard properties.

- Use portlet adder method from dashboard.pt
also on manage-dashboard.pt


Not secure

- Fix js condition if dashboard editable is enabled.


Not secure

- Dont show errormessage if feed is available.
[Julian Infanger]

- Support for portlet adder views, starting with ''.


Not secure

- Override plone default rss portletrenderer. Show up a message
if feed is not parsable or the feed url itself cannot be found.



- Fixed missing 'var' in JS

- Fixed package namespace declaration.
[Thomas Buchberger]

- Added z3c.autoinclude entry point to mark this as a Plone plugin
[Thomas Buchberger]

- updated jquery.ui version for correct plone4 support

- fixed some templates and css styles, so that it work's fine with plone4

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