
Latest version: v1.6.2

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Remove plone.app.referenceablebehavior in plone 5. [busykoala]



- Fix iframe block for Internet Explorer [Nachtalb]



- Re-add ability to override iframe autoresizer options which has gone in previous version [Nachtalb]



1.5.3 should have been a minor release (1.6.0) rather than a patch release.
The javascript was moved completely to JS files, thus customizations might have to be adjusted.

- Fix iframe auto resizer not being triggered on plone 4 [Nachtalb]
- Ensure iframeResizer.contentWindow is included on Plone 5 - in case iframe
includes a page from the same site [Nachtalb]
- Update plone 4 iframe resizer to same version as plone 4 [djowett-ftw]



- Add ftw.iframeblock portal_type translation to plone domain. [tinagerber]

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