
Latest version: v1.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Test against Plone 5.1.

- Add configuration option ``field_dottednames``
in order to use short fieldnames.

- Ignore missing partials when seleting with "only".

- Fix error in metadata partial when owner is missing.

- Use UUID partial only on IUUIDAware objects.
This allows us to dump the json of the Plone site.



- Change file_callback signature to also include the key used in the dict.
For dexterity content, the key is different than the fieldname because it
is prefixed with the interface dottedname.

- Old: ``file_callback(context, fieldname, data, filename, mimetype, jsondata)``
- New: ``file_callback(context, key, fieldname, data, filename, mimetype, jsondata)``


- Dexterity: support exporting RichTextValue objects.



- Initial implementation
[maethu, jone]



Has known vulnerabilities

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