
Latest version: v2.7.2

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- Make sure message.contentType is stored as `str`, not `unicode`. Otherwise
this will result in "Wrong contained type" when trying to save the object
again. Includes Upgrade-Step to fix existing objects.



- get_header(): Fix up RFC 2047 encoded words separated by 'CRLF LWSP'
(which is fine according to the RFC) by replacing the CRLF with a
SPACE so decode_header can parse them correctly.
This works around a bug in decode_header that has been fixed in 3.3.
See http://bugs.python.org/issue4491 and its duplicate.



- Make RegEx for Apple Partial Encoding regex more specific so we don't
accidentally remove quotes around header parts that need them.

- Added test for zip export.



- Refactor mail view to include all HTML parts.



- Enable referencablebehavior for mails.



- Parse <style> tags inside the mail using the `premailer` transform.

- Made mail view XSS-save using the safe-html transform for the mail-body display.

- Fix an issue while generating links to image-attachments in mails.

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