
Latest version: v1.4.8

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- Use applyPrefix for css

- Make slide navigation scrollable if necessary to view all menu items.
[Daniel Jowett]



- Updated jQuery "live" for "on", fallback for older versions included.



- Load spinner relative to site root.
This fixes a BadRequest when in portal_factory.



- Fix bug when theme has no mobilesupport.
[Kevin Bieri]

- Add errorhandling for loading subnavigation.
[Kevin Bieri]

- Implement level-depth independence.
[Kevin Bieri]

- Replace doubled code in plonetheme.onegov
[Kevin Bieri]

- Add title to mobilebutton when description is not present.
For accessibility reasons, title attribute on element can't be empty.
[Kevin Bieri]



- Fixed class lost after resizing on tabs
[Kevin Bieri]



- List parent navigation on default pages.

- Do not list default pages in navigation.

- Added invisible title to mobile buttons, to improve accessibility.
[Julian Infanger]

- Add uninstall profile.

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