
Latest version: v1.16.0

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- Implement mopage news trigger behavior. [jone]



- Fix plone first heading of news listing view on various portal
types. [mbaechtold]

- Implement "mopage.news.xml" API browser view. [jone]

- Enable IExcludeFromNavigation behavior for news folders. [jone]

- Enable IPublication behavior for news. [jone]



- Add a wrapper class to the news footer action on the news listing block.
The news listing portlte allready has one. This makes styling the actions more easier.



- Adjusts the formatting of the date and time displayed on the page of a news item.
Time doesn't show up if it is set to 00:00.

- Archive portlet now respects the config of NewsListingBlock or NewsListing Portlet.

- Use the query provided by the view for the archive portlet.

- Call news_listing view on NewsListingBlock and optain query from block for news listing.



- Adjusts the date and time displayed for each news item in a news folder.
Doesnt show time if there is no time set.

- Adds a profile which installs an additional feature allowing to
mark news item to be shown on the homepage (if the news listing block
is configured to do so).



- Fix the link in the RSS feed (link to parent instead of the feed itself).

- The news listing block renders news items the same way as the news portlet
and the news listing view.

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