
Latest version: v2.3.3

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- Fix non-blob image decoding.

- Dexterity support.

- Do not unserialize schema fields on plone site root.
The plone site has no schema.

- Implement better blob file detection (ftw.file support).

- Fix decoding blobs so that it does not use the old _process_input method.

- Removed archetypes.schemaextender, since we can use obj.Schema() for getting.
[Julian Infanger]

- Plone 4 support, drop Plone 3.



- Cleanup, move to github (https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.publisher.receiver) and
prepare for release.

- If an object will be moved from a public to a private area. And the move job
fails because the target parent does not exist. It will raise a
CouldNotMoveError an deletes the source object on the remote site.



- Implemented TDI (Turbocharged Direct Injection) :-)



- Fix problem, while move objects from a different path than

- Fixed "path wrong" problem by trying to rename or move objects which
can't be pushed because the are in a wrong place.

- Using new states from `ftw.publisher.core`.

- Implemented AfterCreatedEvent and AfterUpdatedEvent

- Implemented PloneFormGen Creation - remove all auto generated files after formgen creation

- Added string encoding / decoding methods which work with json

- Fixed fixed namespace_packages in setup.py

- The modification date is now re-set. The modification date of the parent object
will not change.

- Fixed encoding problem: generally encoding anything received with utf8

- Issue 977 Integration: Probleme mit dem Publizieren von Objekten

- Fixed schema bug

- Fixed traversing bug / support for plone site root



- Added z3c.autoinclude for zcml-dependencies

- implement rename and cut/paste support

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