
Latest version: v2.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Use Solr Cell only for text extraction. The SearchableText is now also indexed
using the update handler which allows atomic updates. Also fixes 137.

- Fix error when trying to delete an object without a unique key. [jone]



- Make sure to always update 'path_depth' if 'path' is (re)indexed.

- Handle facet_counts in solr response.



- Perform soft commits and wait for new searcher by default to allow near real
time (NRT) searching.

- Additionaly index metadata of files using an update command to make them
visible as soon as possible.

- Flush optimize command.

- Add support for indexing path depth.



- Fix partial reindexing (atomic updates) for fields without a value.



- Fix reindexObjectSecurity patch to account for special handling of system
roles in allowedRolesAndUsers indexer.



- Patch reindexObjectSecurity to optimize indexing of large trees.

- Fix diff for items with a modification date that has no fractional seconds.

- Provide an error message when raising an AttributeError in SolrDocument.

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