
Latest version: v1.8.1

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- Show categories the same way as tags in blog view.
[Julian Infanger]

- Show plone.belowcontentbody in blog and entry views.
[Julian Infanger]

- Show categories on blogentry view only if there is at least
one category defined.

- Clean up css.



- Fixed MANIFEST.in: Include README.rst, no longer exclude .mo files.
[Thomas Buchberger]



- Remove "Blog settings" view.

- Add english translations.

- Remove styling of search box for improving compatibility with plone default layout.

- Do not create default category on blog creation.

- Categories portlet: hide when there are no categories.

- Use plone default class for button in blog actionbar.
[Julian Infanger]

- Removed blog.portlets portlet manager. Blog specific portlets are now
assigned by portal_type in plone.rightcolumn.
Provide upgrade step to remove existing portlet assignments on context.
[Julian Infanger]

- Add Categories translation



- Restrict references to categories in blog entries to portal_type
'BlogCategory'. This fixes a huge performance issue with the add and edit
views of blog entries.
[Thomas Buchberger]



- Fixed and optimized calculation of archive statisics per month in archive
[Thomas Buchberger]

- Also display the archive portlet in a blog translation which doesn't have
any blog items but other translations do.
[Thomas Buchberger]



- Fixed: method getTranslation return None instead of self if there are no
translations. We need to handle this.
[20.04.2011, elio.schmutz]

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