
Latest version: v1.6.4

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- Fix bug when ftw.colorbox is not installed but in the path. [jone]



- Move resources to its own bundle for plone 5. [mathias.leimgruber]
- Bundle JS & CSS resources with Yarn. [djowett-ftw]
- Add uninstall profiles for plone 4 and 5. [djowett-ftw]

Breaking changes

- Remove `colorbox_view` in Plone 5. [djowett-ftw]
- Remove colorbox.js - it only put the title off-centre, making things worse rather than better. [djowett-ftw]



- Add option to exclude images by a javascript expression [Nachtalb]



- Remove empty space when no counter is displayed and improve mobile styling.

- Add plone 5 default profile. [mathias.leimgruber]

- Fix rendering of empty colorbox title.
[Kevin Bieri]



- The caption of the colorbox can now be provided by putting a "data-caption"
attribute on the link opening the colorbox.
[mbaechtold, mathias.leimgruber]



- Adjust border size of overlay for ftw.theming.
[Kevin Bieri]

- Declare missing dependency to the "Plone" egg.

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