
Latest version: v1.11.1

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- Redesign ftw.contacts.
[Kevin Bieri]



- Remove unused geo configurations due to a changed map implementation

- Fix geolocation lookup for georeferenced contacts.
The map will no longer be rendered through the viewlet. It is implemented
directly into the contact.pt for better control.

- Add missing behavior for geo referenced contact.

- Fix broken profilehook name for ftw.geo integraton.

- Disable rendering map widget through the viewlet.
The map will be rendered directly in the contact.pt now.

- Change ``reload`` view name to more specific name ``reload_contacts``.

- Trigger event if contacts are reloaded.

- Adjust contact_summary template to display the title in the details
only if it is different than the organization name.
This happens if you fill only an organization name without a first and last

- Fix css styles for plonetheme.onegovbear



- Nothing changed yet

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