
Latest version: v1.16.4

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- Translate News content type title.



- Enable openlayer resources on IContentPage if an AddressBlock is available.
Marking the ContentPage as IAuthorty is no longer necessary.

- Add upgradestep for collapse_archive.js registration

- Fix mutable bug in finalize schema function.

- EventPage: Updated event data table markup.
[Julian Infanger]



- Added possibility to create an event with a start time, but no end time.
If you set the start and end at the same date and time, the output will be
"01.01.2014 08:00" instead of "01.01.2014 08:00 - 08:00".
[Julian Infanger]

- Move anchor above title so the title is visible when the anchor is used.

- Make the news portlet available for `News` context.



- Add rss checkbox to news portlet (Shows RSS link on portlet).

- Replace IOrgUnitMarker interface with IAuthority interface.
The behaviour, how then interface is applied to the ContentPage also changed.
New: Tick the "Mark content for listings" checkbox on the ContentPage.
The marker interface is no longer applied by adding an AddressBlock (Check Readme).

- Use Input of Location field if given.

- Add EventPage to calendar_types.



- Make reladedItems field visible for ContentPage.



- Fix possible UnicodeDecodeError in news_rss_listing.

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