
Latest version: v3.5.0

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- Do not use move cursor on empty favourite items.
[Julian Infanger]

- Fixed link creation for users without `Modify portal content` permission
on the favouritefolder.



- Added Migration Upgradestep for old favourite portlets to the new implementation (3.0).

- Fixed UnicodeEncodeError in AddFavourite, wich happens when
adding a Dexterity item with a non-ascii title to the Favourites.

- Replace jq by $.

- Updated German translations.



- Full refactored. Favourites full configurable over the portlet.



- Added some French translations

- Add IFavouritesLocation adapter for customizing favourites location.

- Add missing german translations.

- Add to favourites: do not use title_or_id for dexterity support.

- Translate portlet title in "plone" domain.

- Fix messages in "add to favourites" script, so that translations work.

- Added some missing german translations.



- Only plone4 compatible

- fixed namespaces in setup.py

- added the addToFavorites script (use now links and no more the depracted
favorite type), and to some other changes for plone4 support

- removed inline css on portlet

- added new, removed unused translations



- removed the addToFavourites script. Now Using the standard Plone Favorites,
and their script.

- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation.

- Improve management of Favorites folder, can be in this names: favourites,
favorites, Favourites, Favourites, to integrate better with default Plone

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