
Latest version: v1.4.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix bug when using ftw.geo in combination with the IReferenceable behavior.
This bug will appear with plone >= 4.3.8



- Fix removing coordinates if no location is given.
If you remove an existing address from an object, the handler is now
removing the coordinates too. This causes that the map will no longer be
visible on the object.

- Restrict versions of some dependencies so they don't pull in Plone 5.



- Declare plone.app.dexterity as dependency.
Dexterity is used in the handlers.py.



- Use Archetypes events for AT content and zope.lifecycle events for DX.
- BugFix: No longer cast geocode (of geocoders.GoogleV3) to list. It's already a list.



- Use conditional imports to account for API changes in geopy 0.96.

- Use zope.lifecycleevents for dexterity support.

- Added missing dependency.
[Julian Infanger]



- Fix German translation file.

- Fix UnicodeDecode error while rendering the portal message for GQueryError.

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