
Latest version: v1.17.5

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

- Added control panel button for rebuilding specifications and creating an upgrade step. [jone]


Not secure

- Add plone.app.contenttypes permissions to lawgiver.zcml.
Since plone.app.contenttypes is standard Plone we add the
plone.app.contenttypes mapping to the lawgiver.zcml.


Not secure

- Add manage translations permissions for plone.app.locales support.

- Ignore the permissions to access inactive and future content because the
portal catalog checks the Plone root for these permissions, not the context.

- No longer ignore the permissions to add collection portlet and static
portlet but rather map them to the existing "manage portlets" action group.


Not secure

- Fix UnicodeDecodeError.


Not secure

- Fix translation issues by translationg label instead of ids of
states and transitions.
Please rebuild translations for your existing workflows.


Not secure

- Add support for assigning permissions to multiple action groups.
This is done using the ``move="False"`` in ``map_permissions``.

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