
Latest version: v2.2.2

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- Toggle aria-hidden attribute on mobile navigation elements



- Add various JavaScript events for convenience. [jone]



- Hide current path on root when showing one level. [jone]

- Fix invalid markup in template, causing broken markup with chameleon. [jone]



- Mobile buttons: add settings "show_tabs" and "show_two_levels_on_root". [jone]

- Pass the url of the navigation root to the handlebars template.

- Use helper text for screenreaders also as title attribute on the link itself.

- Implement plone translations for handlebars templates.

- Do not render handlebars templates with PageTemplate engine.

- Add "navActiveNode" class to the node which is currently loaded. [jone]

- Add separate "current node" item in addition to "parent node". [jone]

- Leaf nodes: open parent navigation. [jone]

- Prevent inline javascript from evaluating twice.
[Kevin Bieri]



- Install ``ftw.gopip`` for better performance. [jone]

- Mark leaf nodes and remove link to children. [jone]



- Add support for plone.app.multilingual [Kevin Bieri]

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