
Latest version: v3.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- No longer allow users with view permission to access the advanced
security features. Since it's possible to search for all users, which
exposes all usernames and email addresses to anyone with view permission.


Not secure

- Add contenttype css klass on items in role map tree.


Not secure

- Add support for ftw.lawgiver custome role translations to principal role tree.

- Add "workflow_id" metadata to catalog.

- Fix redirect to prinicpal_role_tree view if user has only view permission.

- Fix opening author view in a overlay.

- Prevent from display a user twice in remove user permission search_result.


Not secure

- Make a POST request to the updateSharingInfo view.


Not secure

- Replace jq by $ (Plone 4.3 compatibility).

- Add custom ajax search handler on sharing view.
It returns the selected users too.

- Since plone.app.workflow >= 2.1.4 the sharing-view uses 'index' instead 'template'
variable to access the page-template.
plone.app.workflow >= 2.1.4 is integrated in Plone >= 4.3.2
For backward compatibility we use both variables.


Not secure

- Use also the patched sharing.py for updateSharingInfo (ajax call).

- Add dropdown to select encoding.

- Drop KSS for custom sharing view.

- Drop compatibility for Plone <= 4.2.

- Sharing view: No longer limit visible roles. Visibility of roles is
determined by delegate permissions.

- Prevent duplicated userids.

- Advanced sharing: disable right and left column in order to gain space.

- Advanced sharing: make table not sortable (it's a tree).

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