
Latest version: v2.14.6

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Cleanup, move to github (https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.publisher.core) and
prepare for release.



- Removed archetypes.schemaextender, since we can use obj.Schema() for getting
all the fields

- Added new warning states



- Added translations for the states



- Removed encoding stuff for portlets, that now should be done be the
better encoding / decoding.

- Added string encoding / decoding methods which work with json



- Fixed namespace_packages in setup.py

- Added Backreference adapter

- Make portlet adapter more save

- added new states for renaming purposes

- fixed binary conversion to base64 string
[mathias.leimgruber, victor.baumann]

- added test cases for portlet adapter and properties adapter

- added an afterpushEvent

- Extend publish process with adapters

- sync context portlet

- sync interfaces

- sync topic criterias

- concept/structure

- Working initial release

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