
Latest version: v2.14.6

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Deferred extraction using collective.taskqueue. [jone]

- Migrate queue storage to zc.queue. [jone]

- Speedup enqueuing by logging less. [jone]

- Support dexterity relations. [mbaechtold]

- Add context manager for disabling job creation. [jone]



- Workflow context state: skip parents without workflow when looking for
parent state.
This adds support for nested containers without workflows. [jone]



- Use base class WorkflowConfigTest for TestWorkflowConfig test.
If we don't, we'll get builder registrations conflict errors after
importing the test class into another project. There are also problems
while imoprting the test class directly on a project without ftw.simplelayout
but ftw.contentpage.

- Blocks of ftw.contentpage will no longer published directly
after deleting.
Backport for ftw.contentpage of functionality provided for ftw.simplelayout:



- Drop Plone 4.2 support.

- Add ftw.simplelayout support.



- Sort data collectors so that we have an expected order.
This allows to affect the order with data collector names.



- Get unpublished and published references in a save way - the may be removed.

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