
Latest version: v3.0.4

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix upgrade step fix. [jone]



- Fix upgrade step (dictionary changed size during iteration). [jone]



- Show country in mails. [jone]



- Made sku code searchable.



- Enable decimal numbers for dimensions.

- Enable different units for dimension entry and price.
Eg. input an amount in g and display the price per kg.

- Added dimensions to shopitems which can be specified by the user.

- Moved comments field to the order review step.
This allowes the user to add information he was not able to provide with the standard field.

- The compact view is now the default view.
The old default view has been removed because it didn't work.

- Make variations and unit searchable.



- Drop support for Plone 4.1.

- Use uid as the key for storing category ranks, not the category object itself.
This makes the category ranks serializable and thus publishable for "ftw.publisher".

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