
Latest version: v3.5.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add new field alt text for images [mathias.leimgruber]



- Use NamedImage instead NamedBlobImage for tests as it is declaerd in the IPaneSchema. [elioschmutz]
- Remove dependency on ftw.testing[splinter] which have already been removed in 3.1.3 but readded in 3.1.4. [elioschmutz]



- Fix slider overlapp. [Kevin Bieri]



- Fix faulty upgrade step introduced in 2.3.1.

Warning: If you upgrade to this version, the behavior
`plone.app.content.interfaces.INameFromTitle` will be added to the
content type. Remove it if you don't need it. You may also check if you need
to add the `plone.app.referenceablebehavior.referenceable.IReferenceable`
behavior in your Plone project.


- Improve internal link of panes in the slider view. [mbaechtold]

- Remove dependency on ftw.testing[splinter] (has been dropped in ftw.testing). [lgraf]



- Fix rendering of external link. [Kevin Bieri]

- Remove plone-site selector !These changes are backwards incompatible!. [Kevin Bieri]



- Fix field label translation.

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