
Latest version: v2.1.1

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- Fix rendering of external link. [Kevin Bieri]



- Make SliderBlock addable on plone site per default [raphael-s]



- Improve sliderblock if internal link of pane has leading slash.



- New option on the slider pane allows to render the title of the pane
without the need of adding a slider pane text. Until now the title was only
rendered when the pane had some text (requires at least ftw.slider 3.1.0).



- Add checkbox to choose if the image should be cropped or not.



- This release needs at least ftw.slider 3.0.0.

- This release needs at lease ftw.simplelayout 1.12.0.

- Initialize new uploaded slider panes on sliderblock.

- Add simple is image validator for upload factory.

- Enable upload action on sliderblock.

- Implement direct edit of slider panes on the sliderblock.

- Use sliderblock specific scale
[Kevin Bieri]

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